T solutions offers all-in-one tool for transportation operators as well as agents and terminals. They have taken their experience in transport ticketing industry and turned it into a extensive product portfolio.

7" handheld Android based POS
T Solutions
Android POS terminal from idea to functional prototype
One important part of the transportation ticketing is the on-board terminal that has to be always online, able to process various types of tickets, coupons, loyalty and customer card. All of the industry standard tools are outdated and most are still running decade old Windows CE base software which does not meet today’s functionality and user experience needs. They came to us to discover the opportunities, how to combine latest Android user experience with all the industry specific hardware needs that they had.
Our mission was to build a universal Android accessory and in the process we overcame following technical challenges:
- Custom thermal printer driver (STM32 based electronics + Android drivers)
- MiFare NFC reader modules (NXP PN532/533 based electronics + custom NFC antenna + Android drivers)
- QR code reader module (electronics + Android drivers)
- SmartCard readers (MicroChip bases electronics + Android drivers)
- Magnetic card readers (custom electronics + Android drivers)
- Custom 7.4V Li-ion battery (battery module electronics + Android drivers and diagnostics tools)
We helped our customer to develop functional modules necessary for different transport ticketing specific tasks. All the features were bundled into a single handheld device with 7" Android tablet module which can be used independently or with the charging dock.