Jiffi is world’s first hands-free ticketing system for passengers. Board, validate and pay. Without doing anything.

Bluetooth based mobile ticketing systems
Developing hardware, firmware and log management
Jiffi team approached the ScienceMosaic team to design and prototype platform that would provide a new completely new way of urban transportation ticketing. It needs only a smartphone app and activated bluetooth from the end-user. Our system is build around the newest Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) features and is currently running in beta mode on all the the buses in the city of Tartu (Estonia).
We designed custom hardware and software to meet various criteria:
- Handle complex deployment schemas for BLE modules
- Deal with harsh and noisy automotive environment
- Bring BLE nodes together with a custom build Linux basestation that connects the system with the backend business logics
- Set up a log management system to deal with all the possible failures in agile manner
Through our collaboration, we delivered a working production-grade hardware prototypes for all the city buses in Tartu. Our basestations and backend log management system allows Jiffi backend and mobile team to build their business logics on top of it and test their solutions quickly in the real-life environment.